When you’re working at home but the kids are off school, it can be hard for everyone to get their needs met. Business Optimizer considers some ways to keep your kids occupied this summer – so they can have fun and you can get some work done!
If it’s time for your kids to switch off their devices and go and do something less boring and more edifying instead, this list should give you – and them – some ideas for what to do instead.
#1. Learn a new skill
Why not make 2022 the year your family all learn a new language? Or how about learning a skill, such as whittling? Or teaching yourself the ukulele? A little practice every day can have a huge impact.
Why not set a defined time aside each day to practice? We love the idea of learning chess. The game has a long and distinguished history, dating back hundreds of years.
Set your kids a challenge to learn one new thing this summer!
#2. Undertake an ambitious craft project
We love the idea of having a craft project on the go that runs all summer long. Choose something that you can dip in and out of every now and then.
Perhaps it is painting a giant mural along your garden fence? Or maybe you could begin a craft project aligned to the new skill you are learning? If you’ve set yourself the challenge of learning to play chess, for example, you could have a go at making this origami chess set!
Ideally, the project should have some key goal posts along the way, so that you and your kids have some defined opportunities to celebrate the milestones and gain a good sense of achievement!
#3. Enjoy our selection of the best pen and paper games
Need an emergency activity to keep your kids occupied during a key business meeting? Why not try one of these games? They need nothing more than some bored kids and a pen and some paper. Read our selection here.
#4. Learn to love forest bathing
The practice of shinrin-yoku – or forest bathing – helps participants to unwind and switch off; great skills for everyone to nurture in today’s lightning fast age.
The great thing about forest bathing is that you don’t need much to get started – just a local park or a bus pass out of the city. Simply slow down and allow the sounds and sights of the forest to wash over you.
As well as being incredibly peaceful, forging this type of connection with nature has long been thought to inspire creativity. Which is a great reason for you to join your kids and have the whole family practice a little shinrin-yoku in your nearest woodland!
#5. Give them some fun homework!
During lockdown, we all discovered a host of online resources for home learning. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t dip into these during the summer holidays!
Unfortunately, many children are behind their peers because of time spent off school because of COVID-19. Catching up doesn’t need to be hard or boring. And the summer holidays is a good time to start. Remember: online learning isn’t just for lockdowns! Introduce your kids to our list of fun websites that offer activities for bored minds.
Hungry for more ideas?
- Read our blog about summer paper craft activities you can try right now.
- Or how about these ideas for activities for a summer staycation?
- Or how about learning how to read a map so you can try your hand at some summer orienteering close to home?