As the summer months stretch ahead of us with many of our vacation plans still in limbo, could this summer be the year you challenge yourself and finally put your creative calling to the test.
Business Optimizer considers some of this summer’s competitions to inspire and challenge your creative side…
#1 The best kids’ writing competition

The BBC’s 500 Words is the UK’s biggest story writing competition for kids between the ages of five and 13 years old. If your kids love reading and writing, you won’t want to miss out on this amazing short story competition.
#2. Art with a heart

Aspiring artists can take part in WaterAid’s global call for art to help bring attention to the issues those without access to clean water are facing during the COVID-19 crisis.
#3. Show your art to a buying public
The London Group Open 2020 is the UK’s longest-running artists’ co-operative and it holds its 85th open exhibition this year. Although it does cost you to submit works, there are considerable prizes up for grabs and there is no commission charged on any works sold during the exhibition.
#4. Celebrating women’s writing
If you are a woman who writes – or who would like to write – then you’re probably already a reader of Mslexia magazine. The magazine’s 2020 writing competitions are now open. Aspiring women writers can enter any or all of the four categories: memoir & life writing, short story, flash fiction, and children’s & young adult novel.
#5. The super-fun marble-run competition

The Mechanical Art and Design Museum in Stratford on Avon in the UK has a summer competition to invent a new weird and wonderful track part for a MAD Marbles run. The museum is inviting entries from all ages – so release your inner inventor! This Roald Dahl-esque competition is sure to inspire kids!
#6. Calling all aspiring architects: Design a museum!
Aspiring architects might like to put their ideas to the test in a new competition to design an iconic building for an Oslo “Museum of Design” for Switch. The competition is open to everyone – including architects, students, engineers, and would-be designers. The winning design won’t be built, but the opportunity to showcase your work is prize enough.
#7. The competition for nature photographers

The World Nature Photography Awards aims to celebrate the world’s best nature photographers whilst showcasing nature’s beauty to a wider audience. It says when great science and great art combine, amazing things can be achieved: this is the philosophy behind the World Nature Photography Awards, a global nature photography contest for planet Earth.