Could 2020 be your most productive year yet? Business Optimizer looks at some of the strategies you can employ in 2020 to make sure it is!
As 2019 draws to a close and 2020 hovers on the horizon, we’re naturally inclined to take stock and reflect on the year that’s been and look ahead to what the coming year might hold for us.
As part of this process, we often set goals and resolutions for the year ahead. This year, why not consider some of the habits to foster in 2020 to help you ensure it’s your most productive year yet?
#1. Set SMART goals
Goal setting is high on everyone’s agenda at this time of year. To ensure success, keep your goals SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Monitor your progress against them regularly and proactively.
#2. Get organized
Thanks to people like Marie Kondo “Tidy desk, tidy mind” is a fashionable mantra right now. Kondo says that decluttering your office space will help with confidence and decision making as well as helping you be more productive. Read our tips on how to get organized here.
#3. Create a pleasant workspace
Did you know that bringing nature into the office can help to boost productivity? A CBRE study found of the people exposed to nature murals and live or artificial plants, 76 percent felt more energized, 78 percent felt happier and 65 percent said they felt healthier.
#4. Manage your time effectively
Time management is quite a personal thing, so it’s worth experimenting with different approaches until you find the one that works for you. You can read our tips on how to create effective to-do lists here. Research has shown that time blocking is a simple and effective way to boost productivity through better time management. Another approach growing in popularity is deep working – could it work for you?
#5. Write down all your ideas
Take a leaf out of Richard Branson’s book. The Virgin boss is a big fan of picking up a pen and paper: “If you don’t write down your ideas, they could be gone by the morning. Write down lists to keep track of your goals, and you’ll be amazed at what challenges you overcome.”
#6. Make meetings count
Meetings can drain time and energy if they aren’t managed effectively, so adapting how you schedule, plan and host meetings can have a huge impact on productivity. Read our tips on how to make your meetings count here.
#7. Take good notes
Taking paper notes has been shown to help with memory and retention. There are many different techniques but find one that works for you and it can be a huge boost to productivity. Read our tips on how to take good notes here.
#8. Do something you love
If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or uninspired by the job you have, is it time to consider a career change? Doing what you love can be one of the highest impact ways to boost productivity.
#9. Learn how to delegate
Delegation can be a difficult skill to learn, but knowing how to let go and trust others to pick up your work is an essential management skill. Done properly, it will have a huge impact on your productivity so, if you need help, read our tips on how to delegate successfully here.
#10. Make time for yourself
Looking after yourself is vital for lowering stress as well as helping to boost productivity.
As well as making good choices over diet and exercise, meditation, scheduling regular breaks and learning how to switch off are all important day-to-day choices. On a more long-term basis, research shows that scheduling vacation leave and actively switching off during this time can be a big productivity boost.