You have to be a certain kind of person to want to become an entrepreneur and be able to become a success at it.

Not everyone dreams of running their own business. Many people would prefer to settle into a comfortable job or work their way up in a company.

Do you have the characteristics of an entrepreneur? Let’s take a look at some common entrepreneurial behaviours.

# My way or the highway…
Most entrepreneurs feel this way…. They have their own way of doing things and manage business. Rather than follow the rest of the crowd, they have their own ideas and prefer to carve their own path in life, despite what other people might say to them.

# Living a fearless life
Becoming an entrepreneur can be a risky decision, and risk carries with it the high chance of failure. Entrepreneurs don’t let this risk of failure deter them. They are willing to take the risk, and know that if failure does occur, then they can learn from it and move on.

# Hard work doesn’t scare me
Being your own boss and run a successful business means a lot of hard work. Entrepreneurs know the level of hard work that is required to give themselves the life they dream of.

# Heart of Lion
It takes a lot of bravery to give up a secure, full time job to become an entrepreneur, and this is a trait that they will need throughout their entrepreneurial career. Entrepreneurs must stand up for what they believe in to make their business progress.

# Keep on learning
You may know everything there is to know about the industry you work in, but once you become an entrepreneur you are responsible for all aspects of the business. You must handle the finances, recruitment, payroll, marketing, and everything else. This involves a lot of learning that is continuous throughout your career.

# Mr. Social
When starting out as an entrepreneur, you will need to convince others of your vision to secure funding and other types of support. This requires not only knowing your business inside out, but also being able to communicate this message in a clear, confident and persuasive manner.

# “Sorry, I have a question!”
When starting a business, there will likely be a lot you need to learn. Entrepreneurs are hungry for information and are constantly seeking out answers to their questions.

# Connections, connections, connections
Business networking is a must for entrepreneurs. Forming connections in the business world will provide you with a support network and can help you to expand your customer base. While networking might not come naturally to all entrepreneurs, they all need to be willing to get out there.

# Be passionate about it
People pursue entrepreneurial careers so they can turn their passion into a career. If you start a business in something you are not passionate about, then the motivation is more likely to wane and the business won’t progress in the same way.

Do you fit into these 9 character traits? If so, then an entrepreneurial career might be for you.